First-Year SOM Course Support
How can I get my questions answered?
During COVID-19, all appointments and reviews will be over Zoom.
Weekly OESS Reviews
In most courses, with the approval of the course director, OESS review sessions will be scheduled each week to facilitate mastery of the course material. These sessions are coordinated with any review sessions presented by the course faculty. The OESS review sessions focus on topics that students find most challenging, and students are encouraged to submit topics by email prior to each review. OESS review sessions will be included in the schedule on Canvas for each course.
Ask Steve, or Paul brief questions that come up during your studying by email — they will normally respond within 24 hours, and often sooner.
Zoom Appointment
Schedule an appointment with Steve, or Paul for yourself or your study group.
- Send an email asking for the Zoom appointment and include at least four times you are available. The educator will confirm the first on your list that he or she is available, or suggest others.
- Zoom appointments with study groups are particularly effective, especially in the potentially limited time just before an exam.
- Zoom links for appointments with Steve and Paul are included on the Zoom Links page in the Course Information module on the Canvas page for each course (see list below).
Email addresses for appointments:
- Steve Schneid:
- Paul Kingston:
Whom to ask for help with a course or subject:
Fall Quarter
- Foundations of Medicine -
- Cardiovascular System I, Pulmonary System I and Gastrointestinal System and Nutrition - Steve Schneid (physiology and pharmacology)
- Anatomy, Histology in all Fall courses - Paul Kingston
- Renal System I - Steve Schneid (physiology and pharmacology)
- Musculoskeletal System - Paul Kingston
- Mind, Brain and Behavior I - Steve Schneid and Paul Kingston (anatomy)
- Anatomy, Histology in all Winter courses - Paul Kingston
Spring Quarter
- Endocrinology, Reproduction, and Metabolism I - Steve Schneid
- Immunology -
- Hematology - Steve Schneid
- Anatomy, Histology in all Spring courses - Paul Kingston
Supplementary Study Aids
In several core courses, supplementary handouts, videos, and other study aids developed by the OESS will be posted on the course websites. The most recent addition to the collection of OESS study aids is a series of YouTube videos, the "Schneid Guides ", developed by Steve Schneid. These videos cover challenging topics from wide range of subjects, including cardiovascular physiology, the autonomic nervous system, neurology, metabolic biochemistry, endocrinology, and hematology.