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School of Medicine School of Medicine

Winter Quarter Support

Which OESS educator should I contact?

  • Renal System I
    • April Apperson (Physiology)
    • Steve Schneid (Physiology, Pharmacology)
    • Paul Kingston (Anatomy, Histology)
    • Nora Laiken (Physiology, Pharmacology)
  • Musculoskeletal System
    • Paul Kingston (Anatomy, Histology)
  • Mind, Brain, and Behavior I
    • Steve Schneid (Neurology, Anatomy, Pharmacology)
    • Paul Kingston (Anatomy, Histology)

What help is available?

  • Open Hours: Regularly scheduled open hours in 1208 BSB for specific questions (note that Paul's open hours generally are held in the anatomy lab or histology lab). Most weeks, the open hours schedule is as follows, but students should check the OESS thread on the Q&A Forum for each course for updates or changes:
    • April: Monday 1:00–3:00 p.m.; Thursday 3:00–5:00 p.m.
    • Steve: Tuesday/ Thursday 1:00–2:00 p.m.
    • Paul: Tuesday/ Thursday 2:00–3:00 p.m.
    • Nora: Tuesday 12:00–1:00 p.m.
  • Review Sessions: In most courses, with the approval of the course director, review sessions to facilitate mastery of the course material; these sessions are coordinated with review sessions presented by the course faculty. The sessions focus on topics that students find most challenging, and students will have an opportunity to submit topics. To avoid conflicts with electives and ACA sessions, the review sessions often are held on Friday afternoons. Students will be notified about the scheduling of review sessions via the OESS thread on the Q&A Forum for each course.
  • Individual Appointments: are available for any student who wishes additional help.