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School of Medicine School of Medicine

Clinical Data Requests: For Research & Performance Improvement Projects


This page is designed for clinical researchers and performance improvement requests only.

UC San Diego Health Sciences Request for Clinical Data

UC San Diego is committed to protecting patients' medical information. UC San Diego is also a research institution. In accordance with state and federal privacy laws, patient information may be used and disclosed only to doctors and health care personnel who are involved in the patient's medical care or payment for patient care, and to other authorized personnel for UC San Diego's own health care operations, such as performance improvement, and for approved research studies. All research projects conducted by UC San Diego must be approved through a special review process to protect patient safety, welfare and confidentiality.

For authorized users:
Data requests for research and quality assurance are handled separately. Please select the appropriate link for more information and assistance:

Data Summary Counts

For counts of patients from the 5 UC Medical Centers fitting selection criteria, see University of California Research Exchange (UC-ReX).

Clinical Data Requests for Approved Research Purposes

See CTRI Databases and Clinical Records. (For more information about research secondary use of data, see Human Research Protections Program fact sheets (PDF).)

Clinical Data Requests for Performance Improvement Studies

For both EPIC clinical data requests, and all other (non-EPIC) clinical data requests, contact:

Dr. Rob El-Kareh
Associate Professor, Bioinformatics and Medicine

Eric Lundin
Project Manager, Quality & Patient Safety