Mentorship & Support

Mentoring relationships are beneficial to both mentor and mentee. We offer a variety of opportunities for our medical students to serve in both roles. All incoming first year medical students are placed in an academic community which serves as a sort of home base for student throughout their medical school journey.
Academic, personal and career guidance are offered through our multi-layered advising and mentoring programs. The Gold Humanism Honor Society members recognize medical students, physicians, and other leaders for their compassionate care.
Careers in Medicine (CiM)

During medical school, students actively seek out information, guidance and mentorship in order to make the very important decision of specialty choice. The UC San Diego Careers in Medicine (CiM) Program aims to assist and prepare medical students for this decision at every stage of their training. CiM supports students with appropriately timed clinical opportunities, programming, advising, information, and online resources.