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School of Medicine School of Medicine

Careers in Medicine (CiM) Program

During medical school, students actively seek out information, guidance and mentorship in order to make the very important decision of specialty choice. The UC San Diego Careers in Medicine (CiM) Program aims to assist and prepare medical students for this decision at every stage of their training. UC San Diego deans, advisors and faculty mentors recognize that there are many factors that a student must sort through in order to make an optimal decision, and hope to help students navigate this process in a personalized way. CiM supports students with appropriately timed clinical opportunities, programming, advising, information, and on-line resources.

UC San Diego's Careers in Medicine Program utilizes individual career advising, exploration workshops, specialty interest group meetings, panel discussions, and the web. Our goal is to provide students with a comprehensive approach to choosing a specialty, applying for and matching to a residency training program.

Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)

AAMC Careers in Medicine supports numerous online tools for the students to use, is designed by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and utilizes a 4-step process:

  1. Understanding yourself
  2. Exploring options
  3. Choosing a specialty
  4. Getting into a residency

Using this website in addition to the programming done on campus allows the students to be proactive and gives reassurance that there is time to make these decisions.