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School of Medicine School of Medicine

Anonymous Feedback

The UC San Diego office of Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME) has established an Anonymous Feedback form for you to provide suggestions, feedback, or to make us aware of your concerns.

We are all interested in your welfare and want your training experience to be a positive one. If you have an issue, you feel needs to be addressed, please use this form to bring it to our attention. We take your concerns seriously and carefully review every submission. Your comments are confidential, so please provide your contact information so that we can update you on the actions we took to address your concern. We set up this link to be completely anonymous, if you wish. We cannot trace your submission back to you, unless you choose to provide us your contact information.

Lastly, you should be aware that UC San Diego has an Office of the Ombuds which can also provide confidential, neutral, and informal dispute resolution services for the UCSD community. They can be contacted at 858-534-0777.

We care about you — we care about your education and welfare, and we are here to support you in any way we can.

Access the Anonymous Feedback Form

  1. Log into Canvas
  2. Go to your "Class Of" home page
  3. Click on the Anonymous Feedback link under Policies and Procedures