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School of Medicine School of Medicine

Student Organizations

Pre-Medical Advising by Medical Students (PAMS)

PAMS is the longitudinal service learning project for the Purple Academic Community. Their focus is to offer monthly open office hours in our Purple AC room in the Medical Education and Telemedicine Building to pre-med undergraduates with an emphasis on reaching URiM students. This one-on-one advising with pre-meds allows them to ask questions about the journey to medical school, what makes a strong candidate, how to choose which schools to apply to, what medical school is like, lifestyle concerns and more!

To find out more information, go to Pre-Health & Pre-Med Advising.

Wellness Committee

The MSTP Wellness Committee is committed to cultivating an environment within our program that prioritizes the mental health and wellness of our students. We are here to support and advocate for each other, so that every student can thrive to their fullest potential throughout their MD/PhD training and beyond. In addition to being informed and available to connect students to campus-wide wellness resources, we are also committed to identifying problems and proposing targeted solutions aimed at both the individual and structural level.

MSTP Women Physician-Scientists Advocacy Group

The UC San Diego MSTP Women Physician-Scientists Advocacy Group aims to strengthen the physician-scientist community at UC San Diego and address unique challenges women often face in their training and careers. The group is led by MSTP students in all phases, with Dr. Mary Lewinski as the group's faculty mentor. Events are typically held 2–3 times per year, and are open to all physician-scientists at various levels of training. Previous events have included individual career talks by women physician-scientists to highlight their personal training and experience, as well as larger events such as a career options for physician-scientists panel, and a contract negotiations seminar.


Affinity Organizations

In addition to the organizations above, many of our students get involved with the Affinity Organizations at the School of Medicine, which often leads to leadership roles.