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Current School of Medicine Simulation Activities

simulation rotation graphic

Rotation Simulation Based Activity
Practice of Medicine (POM) 1 Assessing pulses with abnormalities
Female pelvic exam on task trainers
Female breast exam on task trainers
Group Observed Structured Clinical Exercise (G-OSCE) 1-6
PEDS Practicum
Information Sharing
Breaking Bad News
Physical Exam Practice
Practice of Medicine (POM) 2 Male GU exam on task trainers
Male rectal exam on task trainers
Adv. pulmonary exam on patients w findings
Adv. cardiac exam on patients w findings
Adv. neuro exam on patients w findings
Adv. abdominal exam on patients w findings
Group Observed Structured Clinical Exercise (G-OSCE) 7-8
Advanced Clinical Skills
Ultrasound 10 sessions
2 sessions open practice
Primary Care Core Clerkship (PCCC 401) Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
Clinical Practice Activity (CPA) 1-2
Clinical Scenarios w Standardized Patient x 6
Psychiatry Clerkship (Psych 401) Psych Interviews with Standardized Patient x 2
Internal Medicine Clerkship (MED 401) Inpatient scenario
Ambulatory procedures: Joints, LP, Thora, Para
Airway management
Breaking Bad News w Standardized Patient
Neurology Clerkship (Neuro 401) Advanced History Taking with Standardized Patient
Surgery Clerkship (SURG 401) Gowning, Gloving and Scrubbing
Central line placement
Airway management
Reproductive Medicine Clerkship
(REP 401)
Male Exam on task trainers and live models
Female Exam on task trainers and live models
Delivery Sim
Residency Transition Course (RTC 415) Crisis Management
Ultrasound guided and standard IV Access
Arterial puncture
Full barrier central line placement
Nasogastric tubes
Lap surgical lab
Interest Groups EM Airway
IR USG Access
Wilderness Medicine