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School of Medicine School of Medicine

Room Policies


Violations of these policies could cause your group to forfeit any existing room reservations and future room reservation privileges.



Responsibilities of Departments and Individuals Requesting a Meeting Room:

  • All individuals using shared meeting room(s) are expected to clean up after themselves. This would include arranging tables and chairs back to the usual configuration of the room(s), erasing the white board(s), picking up all food items and trash, and generally leaving the room(s) in an orderly condition suitable for the next event.
  • Please turn off projector and lights at the end of your event.
  • Requesting departments should notify Room Scheduling immediately of any meeting cancellations, so that the room may be made available to others.
  • Make sure you schedule all necessary set-up and breakdown time for your meetings. Due to the limited space, meetings are often scheduled back-to-back and you may not have the time needed to set-up or clean up after your meetings.
  • Food is permitted in the meeting rooms — NOT permitted in MET or ACTRI Auditoria. Please clean up all food immediately after your meeting. There are more specific stipulations for the Deans Large Conference Room, Leichtag 107, and Leichtag Lobby. These stipulations are listed below in the specific policies for those rooms.
  • We cannot guarantee that white board supplies (dry-erase markers, erasers) will be available, as these items have a tendency to disappear. Bring your own to be certain you have them when needed.

Standing Meetings

We schedule all standing meetings on the Academic Year (July – June):

  • Standing meetings are meetings that occur on a regularly recurring basis (i.e. weekly, monthly). Standing meetings can be made for a maximum of one year and must be renewed annually by email or Room Request form. 
  • We will send out a courtesy reminder to all of the clients that are currently in our database. If the contact for your standing meeting changes throughout the year and we are not notified, we cannot guarantee you will get the courtesy reminder. Even though we send out the reminder emails, it is your responsibility to make sure your meeting gets renewed for the upcoming academic year.

Size, Duration and Frequency of Meetings

Select a room that is appropriate for the size of your group, rather than for its location:

  • Shared meeting space is limited and demand is high, which necessitates placing some limitations on group size, the duration and frequency of meetings, and how many meeting rooms can be reserved for a single time period by one department or individual.
  • Requests will be considered on an individual basis taking into account concurrent activities, room availability, nature of request, and resulting inconvenience to other departments and individuals. In general, the following limitations can be applied to reservations:
    • Group size should not exceed room capacities according to fire and safety regulations.
    • Duration and frequency of meetings should not dominate conference room space, regardless of how early reservations are made.

SOM Campus

  • Building Access Policy and Procedures:
    • New building access protocols and procedures have been implemented to enhance the security of our SOM staff and buildings.
    • Building Access Requests:  Department Managers should contact
    • Undergraduate student organizations are not permitted to reserve space at the SOM campus.
  • Biomedical Research Building 2 (BRF2)
    • Building hours are Mon – Fri, 6 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    • Only building occupants will be approved for after-hours requests
  • Cellular and Molecular Medicine East (CMME)
    • Building hours are Mon – Fri, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    • Only building occupants will be approved for after-hours requests
  • Biomedical Sciences Building (BSB)
    • Building hours are Mon – Fri, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
    • Liebow Garren Auditorium Reservations:
      • Only UCSD staff, faculty and SOM students with access to the BSB may reserve the auditoria after 7pm on weekdays or weekends without further authorization. UCSD staff, faculty and SOM student organizations within Health Sciences will need to acquire permission for a weekend event and access to BSB before they can reserve the auditoria for weekend events pending approval from Health Sciences Room Scheduling.
      • For weekend events, the Deans office must approve and then HS Security will need to grant access.
      • Medical Education Core Courses have priority access to the Garren and Liebow Auditoriums. We are happy to accommodate non-SOM-UGME Core Courses in these rooms. However, on rare occasions we may need to relocate or reschedule your group to accommodate the needs of the School of Medicine.
      • To inquire about key checkout, email to get information. Keys may be picked up on the business day before a weekend/holiday event, and will be arranged with HS Rooms.

MTF Security Policy

  • MTF Southwing
    • To maintain security and to help prevent theft in the MTF, MTF 175 in the outer portion of the building will be kept locked during after-business hours:
    • Individuals or groups scheduling events in MTF 175 on weekends, will be required to lock the room after their event.
      • To inquire about key checkout, please email to get information. Keys may be picked up on the business day before a weekend/holiday event, and will be arranged with HS Rooms.
  • MTF Northwing
    • The Northwing main doors are unlocked Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Only faculty and staff with access to the MTF may reserve rooms in the Northwing after-hours/weekends.
  • Dean's Large Conference Room (Deans Annex/Rm 1320)
    • Use is available to School of Medicine Dean's Office units and Health Sciences Departments only:
      • Workshops, seminars, and campus department use is not allowed
      • Room is not available for reservations by vendors or outside companies and organizations unless sponsored by a UC San Diego Health Sciences Department
    • If an event will be catered, please add an additional hour before and after the meeting for Catering set-up and clean-up:
      • Food set-up must be contained within the conference room (it is not allowed outside of the room)
      • Only light and/or boxed lunches may be provided
      • Catering prep is not allowed in the adjacent kitchen area
      • Groups must clean up food immediately after each meeting. No food allowed on Friday evenings (MUST be cleaned up before 5:00 p.m.)
    • Reservations are made only Monday Friday between 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Non-VCHS/Dean's Meetings must end by 5:00 p.m. due to Alarm setting)
    • Exceptions are made for Annex building residents only: Annex residents may use the room 7:00 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. — however, the resident/host is responsible for ensuring entrance/exit of invitees (DO NOT prop doors open), turning off lights in meeting room and Annex, arming security alarm
      • An index must be provided at the time of booking in the event that there are damages to the room and/or clean-up is required
      • Weekend and after-hour use is limited to building occupants only
  • Leichtag 107 Conference Room and Leichtag Lobby
    • Start time for reservations must be between 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday – Friday, because the exterior doors lock at 5:00 p.m.
      • An index must be provided at the time of booking in the event that there are damages to the room and/or clean-up is required
      • Weekend and after-hour use is limited to building occupants with access only. Please read the Building Access Policy and Procedures listed above for more details.
    • Use is available to Leichtag building occupants, School of Medicine Deans Office Health Sciences Departments, as well as all other UCSD campus units
    • Leichtag Lobby reservations are accepted only for start-times between 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.
    • If an event will be catered, please add an additional hour before and after the meeting for Catering set-up and clean-up (but not before 4:00 p.m.)
      • Food set-up must be contained within the conference room (set-up is not allowed outside of the room)
  • Medical Education-Telemedicine (MET) Building
    • Reservations for MET rooms are made online via the HS Rooms website. Events outside normal building hours (Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.) will require additional forms to be submitted before confirmations are sent.
    • Contact HS Room Scheduling at or 858-822-5741 for more information.
  • MET Simulation Training Center
    • Reservations for the Sim Center in the Lower Level of the Medical Education-Telemedicine (MET) building are made only Monday – Friday between 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (events must end by 4:30 p.m., unless other arrangements have been made). Exceptions will only be made for groups within the Division of Medical Education. Use of the Center requires a Medical Education-approved faculty sponsor who will be responsible for the training session and equipment used.
    • To obtain approval, please email Be sure to include all the known event details (who, when, approximate number of attendees, event title, reason for event, etc.) with your UC San Diego affiliation and contact information.

UC San Diego Medical Center (UCSDMC) - Hillcrest & La Jolla

    • Building hours are 6:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. After-hours/weekend Requests for Auditorium or lobby/terrace areas will require permission from the Deans Office
    • No food or drink allowed inside ACTRI Auditorium
    • Interior Courtyard is NOT available before 4 p.m. weekdays. Weekend requests will need to place a work order for Facilities Management to staff a Custodial worker to unlock/lock the doors, since there is no Custodial on weekends.
  • Parking
    • Hillcrest: Meetings that may be attended by people without staff parking permits can have a negative impact on the availability of patient parking and must be approved by the CEOs office.
    • La Jolla: All meetings that may be attended by people not located at UCSDMC-La Jolla can have a negative impact on the availability of patient parking and must be approved by the CEOs office.
  • Fire Marshal Approval – Patios, Hallways, etc.
    • Purpose:
      • The UC San Diego Medical Center facilities provide patient care service 24 hours a day. All scheduled activities or events being conducted on the premises of the UC San Diego Medical Center must support the organizations strategic goals by presenting a professional, competent and caring image and environment. Such activities should not disrupt the operations or interfere with patient and employee access. Vendors are not allowed in the hospital except for Hospital week.
    • Area Accessibility:
      • Subject to time, place and manner rules, the use of designated UC San Diego Medical Center facilities may be requested by employees and UC supported organizations. Such requests are subject to availability and the operation needs of the UC San Diego Medical Center.
      • All main entrances to UC San Diego clinical facilities and their surrounding areas, i.e., entrance lobbies, are not available for use in special events or activities. Use of the Rotunda or Atrium will be limited to standing exhibits such as art work or storyboards, and must be approved by the Fire Marshal, UC San Diego Medical Center.
      • The following are examples of events/activities considered appropriate for scheduling within the designated areas of the facility:
        • Requests for facility access may be initiated by completing the Special Event Scheduling and Access Approval form (PDF). The completed form should be faxed to (619) 543-7581, or mailed to the EHS Office (Mail Code 8235) within a reasonable time period prior to the event. Please follow up and make sure request arrived by calling (619) 543-7575. The requestor will be responsible for organizing an event plan that will control and minimize the disruption of UC San Diego Medical Center operations. All events must end by 10 p.m.
    • Access Information:
      • These guidelines are implemented to effectively manage the type of activities that are held in areas frequently accessed by our patients and their families. The guidelines do not change the current process for scheduling University-related business in UC San Diego classrooms and/or meeting rooms. Any questions concerning these guidelines and scheduling process should be addressed to the CEOs office, UC San Diego Medical Center or to the Medical Center Human Resources Department. Celebrations for Institutional Milestones Special Dedications Community Health Awareness Programs Staff Recognition Events.