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School of Medicine School of Medicine

Frequently Asked Questions

The Program in Medical Education – Health Equity (PRIME-HEq) is part of a system-wide effort at the University of California to train physicians better able to meet the needs of the diverse Californian population who are traditionally underserved by the medical system.

Do I need to provide any additional information to be considered for the program?

No, you only need to let us know that you are interested in the program. The PRIME-Health Equity subcommittee will review your AMCAS application and will determine eligibility for the program based on your entire application with a special emphasis on your biographical sketch, extracurricular activities and interviewer's comments.

Are there opportunities for other electives, such as Medical Spanish, beyond the required electives?

Yes, there is one required elective in the fall and one in the spring of your first year. So there is room for other electives.

What do the numbers in parentheses next to the elective titles mean?

The numbers in parentheses refer to the number of quarter credits for each elective.

The in-depth study that is involved in PRIME-HEq, is that in addition to the regular academic program, or is it an additional year?

The in-depth study is an additional year of study in a master's degree program of your choice. PRIME-Health Equity is a five-year dual degree MD/master's program. Four years for the MD and one year for the master's. The additional year will typically take place after the third year, but exceptions based on program requirements can be made.

Because it is a dual MD/master's program, are GRE scores required?

No GRE scores are required for our existing MD/master's programs. You may want to complete a master's in a program not on our list, in that case we will have to find out what that program requires.

Do you complete a thesis for the master's as well as the ISP portion for your MD?

When medical students are enrolled in a master's program, they no longer have to complete the ISP required for the MD program, just as MD-PhD students do not have to do an ISP.

What master’s degree should I consider?

  • A PRIME-HEq student interested in moving to a community to provide care in a community health center might be interested in obtaining a master's in public health in order to best match the services of the health center to the community’s needs.
  • A PRIME-HEq student interested in returning to their hometown where no physician practices might be interested in a master's in business administration in order to help make the financial case for opening a new medical office.
  • A PRIME-HEq student interested in making an impact beyond the community in which they practice might be interested in obtaining a master’s in public policy in order to work more effectively with elected leaders to affect policy change to meet the needs of her patients as well as others.