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School of Medicine School of Medicine

Laptop Setup


Step Description Action

Make sure your computer hardware, software, and peripherals meet the "UCSD Medical Student Computer Requirements".

Computer Requirements

Ensure your laptop is UCSD security-compliant with current operating system updates, a firewall, anti-spyware, and anti virus software (See optional steps A-C below).

Note: Most Windows 10, 11 & current MacBooks have these security features automatically enabled. The main concern is that your computer has an anti-virus program that auto-updates with the latest virus definitions to block them. Sophos is recommended, but you can use another anti-virus program also.

See optional steps A-C below - these can be skipped for newer laptops (see note at left).

Additional Laptop Security Tips

A) Configure your laptop to automatically download and install critical operating system updates.

System Updates

B) Enable your computer's firewall to protect it from unwanted and unsolicited network traffic and to ensure the privacy of your information.


C) Install a Security Software program onto your laptop and devices to protect it from viruses and unwanted malicious software.


Register for Duo Two-Step Login Process for both the UCSD & UCSD Health instances.

Duo for Health Sciences
Register for both instances -
Campus and Health Systems

Connect to the UCSD Virtual Private Network (VPN) to allow access to Library e-journals and other UCSD restricted sites. Install the "VPN Any Connect" client to your computer (use "" for authentication of the client download)

Virtual Private Network

Use your campus alias "" for authentication to download the client.

A) Successfully connect to a sample Library Course Reserves site using the VPN. Select the '2-Step Secured- allthruucsd' option when logging into the VPN.

Library Course Reserves

Use UCSD Health Outlook Web Access (OWA) to check your email online.
[ Login name = ]

Review the Tip Sheets to learn how to configure OWA for your computers or mobile devices.

UCSD Health Cloud Email

Check the UCSD Health Cloud Email Tip Sheets for specific steps to setup email on your devices.

Login to Canvas Learning Management System
(use UCSD AD credentials).

Canvas LMS

Login to MedHub Educational Management System for Scheduling & Evaluations (use UCSD AD credentials).

*Verify/Update your contact information: after login, in upper right-hand corner of home screen:
click 'Account' > 'Update Contact Info'


Update your phone number(s), current address and permanent address


Login to ProgressIQ Data Integration System
(use UCSD email credentials -


Register for the ExamSoft application and install the Examplify software on to your computer and iPad. A mock quiz will be available before the Computer Orientation (MS1's) or before the first weekly quiz (PS2's).

Use the exam password = mock123 to begin the quiz.

ExamSoft Application

Institution ID = UCSDHS

A) Download & Install the Adobe Acrobat Reader (Examsoft uses this program for all image display functions in the Examplify application).

Get Acrobat Reader
(uncheck the Optional Offers before installing)

Download & Install the Zoom Meetings client to your computer, mobile devices and install extensions for your web browsers as desired.

Scroll down to 'Getting Started' section for the download link.

UC Health Zoom
Domain =

Login using the Zoom Single Sign-On option

Connect to the UCSD wireless network.
Must be done while on the UCSD campus.

UCSD Wireless Network
Connect to the "UCSD Protected" wireless network while on campus

Optional: Create a campus printer account.
More information is available on Triton Print & Digital Media. A black & white Wepa printer is located in the MET Student Lounge.

UCSD Wepa Account

School = UCSD

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