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School of Medicine School of Medicine

Accreditation Application

The accreditation application is the mechanism used to apply for CME credit and is required for all activities. UC San Diego CME utilizes a web-based system for the management of accreditation applications and associated data. The platform enables a streamlined process for application submission, committee review, reporting, and follow-up data submission.

A CME activity application is the mechanism used to apply for CME credit and is required for all activities. UC San Diego CME utilizes a web-based system for the management of accreditation applications and associated data, CloudCME. The platform enables a streamlined process for application submission, committee review, reporting, and follow-up data submission. CloudCME allows for completion and updating of disclosure information online at any time.


  1. Activity Questionnaire: Complete this form if you need assistance deciphering which activity type is appropriate for your activity. We encourage the utilization of multiple formats specific to educational needs and individualized learning styles and will be happy to work with you to develop self-directed learning opportunities and performance improvement activities.
  2. Educational Planning: In order to fill-out the application, the educational planning process (including the gap analysis/needs assessment) should be completed. 
Note: Our policy is that all CME activities accredited by our office are primarily developed by UC SanDiego faculty and staff. Read our Accreditation Policies & Procedures.