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School of Medicine School of Medicine

Policies & Procedures

The mission of UC San Diego Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is to provide needs-based education for physicians and health care providers to improve knowledge, competence and/or performance and enable the optimum provision of health care.

The University of California San Diego is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to sponsor continuing medical education programs for physicians.

All CME Activities Must Comply with These Policies

All CME activities approved by UC San Diego must comply with the following ACCME Essentials and Standards and UC San Diego CPD policies:

  1. The content of CME activities and related materials provides balance, independence, objectivity and scientific rigor. All recommendations in CME activities involving clinical medicine must be based on evidence accepted within the medical profession. All scientific research used to support patient care recommendations must conform to generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection and analysis.
  2. Planning must be free of the influence or control of a commercial entity and promote improvements or quality in healthcare.
  3. A UC San Diego physician in a full-time position (and/or other clinician) must be the major decision-maker in the CME activity planning. A designated UC San Diego "Course Director" must lead the planning process and be responsible for the completion of the CME Application.
  4. Planning for CME activities must demonstrate the linkage between the documented gaps analysis/needs assessment, desired educational results, learning objectives and outcomes of the education in terms of improved/changed physician practice and/or patient health outcomes.
  5. Anyone involved in the planning of the CME activity (including Course Directors, Planners, Speakers, Committee Members) must complete the conflict of interest (COI) Disclosure Form (to be reviewed and evaluated by the UC San Diego CPD, Associate Dean for CPD, course director, planning committee, CME Advisory committee and/or UC San Diego medical departments, as appropriate) before credit can be awarded. Anyone failing to disclose will be excluded from participating in the planning and delivery of the activity.
  6. UC San Diego CPD will identify, review and resolve all conflicts of interest prior to an educational activity being delivered to learners. UC San Diego CPD uses the following mechanisms to resolve COI: 1) altering the financial relationship with the commercial interest, 2) altering the individual's control over CME content about the products or services of the commercial interest and/or 3) validating the activity content through independent peer review.
  7. All interactions with commercial supporters must be conducted in compliance with the ACCME Standards for Commercial Support (PDF) and the UC San Diego CPD Policy on Commercial Support (PDF). Commercial Support Letters of Agreement must be made out to UC San Diego (as the accredited provider) and fully executed by all parties prior to the start of the activity, or credit cannot be awarded.
  8. Exhibits are allowed at UC San Diego CPD activities as long as they are in compliance with all applicable policies and procedures, such as the UC Vendor Policy (PDF) and the UC San Diego CPD Exhibitor Policy (CPD). Arrangements for commercial exhibits or advertisements cannot influence planning or interfere with the presentation of the educational activity and may not be a condition of the provision of commercial support for CME activities.
  9. CME activities must be evaluated according to their effectiveness in achieving the learning objectives/desired outcome and their projected/actual impact on clinical practice. UC San Diego CPD utilizes a standard evaluation form which should be used unless an exception is requested prior to the start of the activity.
  10. Whenever possible, post-activity follow-up surveys should be conducted to measure changes/enhancements to physician clinical practice and improvements in patient healthcare status.
  11. All CME activities designated for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™ by the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine must comply with the policies and procedures established by UC San Diego CPD and by the ACCME.