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School of Medicine School of Medicine

GME Wellness Grant Program

The GME wellness grant program was launched in 2023 to promote the engagement of residents and fellows in wellness programming at UC San Diego Health. Through this program, any UC San Diego Health resident or fellow may apply for funding to support the development and implementation of house staff well-being initiatives.

Proposals should focus on addressing systemic aspects of resident/fellow wellness such as living conditions, access to free time, or working conditions.

Possible project themes could include but are not limited to:

  • Supporting GME physicians during times of stress or crisis at work
  • Building personal safety in your program
  • Reducing stigma and improving access to mental health care
  • Solutions that assist in work-life harmony
  • Assisting in personal tasks outside of work
Grant Application Process
Application Cycle Application Deadline

Internal GME Review

(GME Physician Wellness leaders & GME Wellness Director)
Physician Wellness Steering Committee Reviews Notification
August 1 November 1 Mid-November Early December Mid December


About the Application

The application should include specific aims, a description of how the initiative meets the review criteria (listed below), an indication of what GME population is served by the initiative, a description of how the initiative will function at UC San Diego Health, the proposed conduct of the initiative, and a proposed budget with justification. 

Award Type Funding Level Timeline
(begins at the time of initial fund transfer)
Preliminary Data
Pilot Up to $5,000 12 months Not Required
Project Up to $15,000 Up to 2 years Recommended


Award Requirements

Interim Report:  Awardees are required to send an interim report to the GME Wellness Director at approximately the half-way point of the work, providing a progress update, any anticipated issues, and an estimated completion date. Additionally, if any feasibility or financial concerns arise, the GME Wellness Director should be immediately advised. 

Final Report:  Awardees are required to send a final report to the GME Wellness Director describing the conduct of the pilot or project, a financial reconciliation, and dissemination plans. 

Principal Investigator: At least one grant awardee must be a UC San Diego GME physician for the duration of the project.  Grant collaborators are not required to be physicians.   


Application Format

Award Type Page Limit
(Arial 11 font)
Other Required Elements
Pilot 3 Budget, CV for PI(s)
Project 6 Budget, CV for PI(s)


Review Criteria

A GME Wellness Committee (headed by the GME Wellness Director and including GME representatives without conflict for the application under consideration) will review and score applications on the following:

  • Local impact on UC San Diego GME physician wellness culture, including potential scalability and affordability
  • Population of trainees served by the proposal
  • Wellness focus (mental or physical health)
  • Rigor of evidence to be produced (appropriate use of outcome metrics) 
  • Innovation
  • Feasibility and pragmatics - some proposals may benefit from conversation with operational teams who will be impacted or who may be working in the same focus area. 
  • Dissemination plan

Proposals that are submitted for consideration by the UC San Diego Physician Wellness Steering Committee will undergo an initial review for compensation and labor relations concerns.  Any proposals which include additional monetary compensation for GME physicians, in the form of bonuses, compensation, or other compensation like funds provided directly to the trainee which are otherwise addressed by the trainee’s employment, will not be considered and be automatically rejected. The UC San Diego Physician Wellness Steering Committee will make a funding determination and formally notify the applicant’s Principal Investigator.


Previous Grant Recipients

Project Recipient Department
Group Fitness for Resident Physicians: A “ClassPass” Pilot Study on Well-Being and Connectedness Kevin Yang
Lauren D'Andrea
Mitigating Chronic Repetitive Hand and Wrist Injuries through Ergonomic Solutions for Radiology Residents Luke Wojdyla
Julie An
Pet Care Reimbursement Program for El Centro Rotations Elaine Yu Emergency Medicine
Residency Houses: An Evidenced-Based and Systems Approach to Addressing Physician Burnout   Anjali Kumar
Michael Jew
Internal Medicine
The PeloDocs Project – Working Out at Work Benjamin Ostrander Otolaryngology
Literature in Medicine Book Club Maya Stawnychy Emergency Medicine
Rec Center Memberships Avi Patel Emergency Medicine