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School of Medicine School of Medicine

Zoom Meetings

FAQs About Zoom Meetings

Do I need any special software to participate in the virtual meeting?

We will be holding virtual meetings using a Zoom Webinar. Once you access the meeting, you will be prompted to download and run Zoom. View a short video demonstrating how to join a Zoom meeting.

I cannot connect to the meeting. What should I do?

Ensure that Zoom meetings are able to get past your firewall then try to reconnect to the meeting.

My meeting is stuck on "Waiting for Host to start this webinar" and it is past the start time. Has the meeting been delayed?

Occasionally, users waiting for the webinar to begin will get stuck on "Waiting for Host…" once the meeting begins. If you notice that the meeting should have begun, try to reconnect to the meeting.

I am an attendee. Will I need a microphone or video camera?

You will not need a camera or microphone as they will be turned off for all attendees.

How can I test to make sure my audio works?

When joining a webinar/meeting, you will be prompted to test your audio. The best way to test your audio outside of a meeting is to go to Settings > Audio and click on Test Speaker. If you hear the sound that is played, then your audio is working properly.

My connection to the video is inconsistent and regularly interrupted. How can I fix this?

This is most likely the result of end-user internet connection instability. We recommend minimizing other internet usage in order to maximize bandwidth for the livestream.

Will the slides and Zoom recording file be available for access at a later time by those of us who are registered for the conference?

This will be determined on a conference-by-conference basis.

Can I claim credit if I watch the recorded version of the conference?

Only attendees who viewed the conference in its live setting may claim credit.

My connection to the video dropped out temporarily. Will this affect my continuing education credits?

This would not affect your continuing education credits. Users are responsible for reporting hours attended when claiming credit online after the conference.

I am watching the conference now but I may need to move to telephone. How do I transfer from video to telephone?

In the meeting invitation, phone numbers are provided so users can dial in via telephone. Call in to the first number provided. If the connection is unstable, the best number to dial into next would be the one that is geographically closest to you.

I cannot see the speaker. Is my Zoom client not working properly?

Speakers have the options to show themselves or not. If they are sharing their screen, you should be able to see their slides.

The conference I will be attending has been transitioned from in-person to virtual. Will the agenda, including the time of the talks, remain the same?

The agenda will remain the same per the most recently disseminated agenda barring no technical difficulties.

How will continuing education credit documentation and credits work with the virtual conference format?

Attendees are responsible for providing sufficient contact information when registering for the conference. Log in to the Zoom call using your first and last name. If you dial in via telephone, email us at with the phone number you called in with. Evaluation links will be sent to all registered attendees after the conference has ended. Attendees should claim credit commensurate to the number of hours they viewed the live content.

How can I ask questions to the speaker during the meeting?

Attendees may ask questions to the speaker by using the Q&A feature on that meeting client. All questions will be reviewed and asked to the speaker by a moderator at the end of each speaker's session.