Imaging is an essential component of Radiotherapy. Patient imaging is used throughout the entire radiotherapy process beginning with staging and continuing through treatment planning and delivery. Imaging is also vital to assessing response to treatment.

CPRM Researchers perform a wide variety of imaging research, ranging from the development and implementation of novel imaging approaches to the use of advanced imaging to improve the planning and delivery of treatment.

CNS Imaging

A major focus of our imaging research is on optimizing the treatment of patients with brain tumors. We are using advanced MRI techniques to guide treatment planning and to identify novel imaging biomarkers to measure treatment response. Brain tumor patients are followed on a longitudinal study of advanced diffusion imaging combined with serial neurocognitive testing.


Check out CPRM Labs performing CNS Imaging Research:


Hattangadi-Gluth Lab

Hattangadi-Gluth Lab

Seibert Lab

Seibert Lab

Body MRI Research

In addition to advanced MRI for brain imaging, our research group is focused on a variety of novel MRI techniques for various tumors in the body. Current work involves whole body MRI in high-risk prostate cancer to detect metastases, RSI MRI in cervical cancer to serve as an early prognostic biomarker following RT and Functional MR in lung cancer to guide treatment planning.


Check out CPRM Labs performing Body MRI Research:

Mell Lab

Mell Lab

Rose Lab

Rose Lab

Seibert Lab

Seibert Lab