2019 Human Milk Research Symposium

figure of key institutes and research/medical centers in La Jolla

Together with the ACTRI Center for Life Course Research, Mommy's Milk Human Milk Research Biorepository, and the San Diego Mothers' Milk Bank, MOMI CORE cordially invites you to UC San Diego's first Human Milk Research Symposium.

Human Milk & Long Term Outcomes: 
Psychosocial Aspects, Biologic Components and Current Research

November 4, 2019 - 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
UC San Diego School of Medicine Campus, MET- MedEd Upper Auditorium

Symposium Agenda

8:30 - 8:40 AM
Welcome and Introduction

8:45 - 9: 15 AM
Keynote Lecture

  • Cheryl Anderson PhD, MPH, MS: "Research horizons: infant feeding and population health"

9:15 - 10:25 AM
Session 1: Psychosocial aspects of breastfeeding and long-term outcomes - Part 1

  • Sheila Gahagan MD, MPH: "A Potpourri of Adolescent Health Outcomes Related to Breastfeeding Duration and Exclusivity" (9:20-9:50)
  • Jason Sauberan, Pharm D: "The most common medications used during lactation, and what we know about them"  (9:55-10:25)

10:25-10:45 AM
Coffee Break

10:45-11:55 AM
Session 2: Psychosocial aspects of breastfeeding and long-term outcomes - Part 2 

  • Emily Tuthill, PhD: "Psychosocial and structural determinants of breastfeeding among women living with HIV in Kenya and South Africa, and relevance to women in the US with HIV"  (10:50-11:20) 
  • Valerie Flaherman, MD, MPH: "Breastfeeding in mothers with maternal depression or anxiety" (11:25-11:55)

12:00 - 1:00 PM

1:10 - 2:20 PM 
Session 3: Biologic components of human milk and long-term outcomes - Part 1 

  • Lars Bode, PhD: "Oligosaccharides and maternal drivers and short- and long term health"  (1:15-1:45) 
  • Catherine Field, PhD, RD: "Importance of the long chain omega-3 fatty acids in human milk to benefit an infant's immune development and risk of allergy" (1:50-2:20)

2:20 - 3:30 PM
Session 4: Biologic components of human milk and long-term outcomes - Part 2 

  • Michael Goran, PhD: "Impact of human milk oligosaccharides on infant feeding behaviors, microbiome, growth and cognitive outcomes in a Latino cohort in Los Angeles"  (2:25-2:55) 
  • Philip Gordts, PhD: "Human milk oligosaccharides and risk for hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, obesity and diabetes"  (3:00-3:30) 

3:30 - 3:50 PM
Coffee Break 

3:50 - 4:50 PM
MOMI Seeds pilot grant program recipients 

  • Kathryn Patras, PhD: "Investigating the use of Human Milk Oligosaccharides to control Group B Streptococcus vaginal colonization"  (3:50-4:05) 
  • Robert H. Tukey, PhD: "Lactation as a vehicle for the delivery of environmental toxicants"  (4:05-4:20) 
  • Martina Wallace, PhD: "De novo synthesis of branched chain fatty acids and their role in human milk"  (4:20-4:35) 
  • Anthony O’Donoghue, PhD: "Quantification of proteolytic activity in human milk – comparing fresh vs refrigerated and pasteurized vs non-pasteurized milk"  (4:35-4:50) 

4:50 - 5:00 PM
Wrap up

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