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School of Medicine School of Medicine

Event Planning Hillcrest

UC San Diego Medical Center - Hillcrest

Service Contact Information
Catering / Housekeeping

Food Services:
(619) 543-3420

Hospital Transport:
(619) 543-2255

Custodial Services

(619) 543-3192

Calls that cannot be answered are forwarded automatically to our 24-hour cell phone*.

*If this line cannot be picked up, call will roll to voicemail. Please leave a voicemail message with contact name, number, and details of your request. Leaving a message will result in an automatic page to the current shift manager.


(619) 543-3762

(619) 290-2620


Room issues (i.e. light or temperature problems):
(619) 543-6454

UCSD Parking Services

Medical Center Parking Office:
(619) 543-6524

Special Events Parking Office:
(858) 534-9681
(858) 534-4840