Medical Education Technology
The Office of Medical Education Technology (MedEdTech) supports projects and provides services that intersects of teaching, learning, and technology. MedEdTech provides leadership, expertise, infrastructure, and services in support of the the Division of Medical Education.
iPad Learning Initiative
UC San Diego School of Medicine provides all medical students and physician assistant students with an iPad and Apple Pencil to use as tools to enhance their educational experience. The success of the iPad Learning Initiative earned UC San Diego the recognition as an Apple Distinguished School.
Incoming Student Resources
Are you an incoming School of Medicine student? Learn about our computer requirements and read instructions to set up your laptop and iPad.

Room Scheduling
Room scheduling is now managed by the Division of Medical Education's business office. Online room scheduling is available for spaces in School of Medicine, Jacobs Medical Center in La Jolla and UC San Diego Medical Center in Hillcrest.
For questions, comments or requests concerning technology at UC San Diego School of Medicine, please contact